StaTA News

News, advisories and updates by our research group
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29 October 2022

Istituzione del Laboratorio di Radiomica presso il Dipartimento di Economia e Management

Con la seduta del Consiglio di Dipartimento di Economia e Management (DEM) dell’Università di Trento dell’11 maggio 2022 è stato istituito presso il DEM un laboratorio di radiomica. Il laboratorio si pone come obiettivo l’applicazione di tecniche avanzate di analisi dei dati in contesti applicativi di diagnostica medica. In particolare, si intende sviluppare ed applicare algoritmi di analisi statistica, di machine learning e di elaborazione e riconoscimento di immagini mediche per la diagnosi precoce di patologie tumorali. L’iniziativa è stata avviata dal prof. Giuseppe Espa (DEM, responsabile del Progetto), dal prof. Massimo Donelli (DICAM) e dalla dott.ssa Paola Feraco (APSS Trento).

Leggi la delibera del Consiglio di Dipartimento.

22 August 2022

A multi-spreading algorithm to account for spatial and strata heterogeneity

On Thursday, 25th August Maria Michela Dickson is going to present the paper A multi-spreading algorithm to account for spatial and strata heterogeneity coauthored with Yves Tillé, Giuseppe Espa, Flavio Santi and Diego Giuliani in the organized session “Survey Sampling” at the 24th International Conference on Computational Statistics (COMPSTAT2022).

Web page of the event.

08 June 2022

Sampling Network Populations

On Wednesday 8th June 2022, at the 7th International Conference on Survey Methodology (ITACOSM 2022), Maria Michela Dickson is going to chair a session entitled “Sampling network populations”.

Web page of ITACOSM 2022.

11 November 2021

Strumenti di analisi statistica territoriale

Il giorno 18 novembre alle ore 12.30, Diego Giuliani e Giuseppe Espa registreranno, in qualità di relatori, un intervento dal titolo “Strumenti di analisi statistica territoriale”. Tale intervento, predisposto per la sessione parallela virtuale “Sviluppo degli strumenti di lettura territoriale”, sarà poi inserito nel palinsesto della 14ma Conferenza Nazionale di Statistica che si terrà nei giorni 30 novembre e 1 dicembre 2021.

Programma della conferenza.

Vai alla pagina della conferenza.

10 July 2020

A Graphical Tool for Interpreting Regression Coefficients of Trinomial Logit Models

On Thursday, 6th August Flavio Santi is going to present the paper A Graphical Tool for Interpreting Regression Coefficients of Trinomial Logit Models coauthored with Maria Michela Dickson and Giuseppe Espa in the invited session organised by The American Statistician at the 2020 Joint Statistical Meeting.

Due to the pandemic, all sessions of JSM2020 are going virtually. The session organised by The American Statistician is scheduled at 1:00 PM ETD (19:00 Rome timezone).

Go to the page of the session.

Go to the page of the abstract.

13 May 2020

Progetto EU-COVID-19

Giuseppe Espa, Diego Giuliani, Maria Michela Dickson partecipano, in stretta sinergia con un’unità dell’Università Bicocca di Milano, al progetto di ricerca “EU-COVID-19 — a multinational registry-based study with focus on risk and protective factors, clinical outcomes and mental health”. Il progetto è stato finanziato dal Consiglio delle Ricerche norvegese che ha stanziato fondi urgenti per la ricerca sul COVID-19.

In allegato la proposta, fortemente multidisciplinare, formulata dall’unità capofila norvegese e da unità italiane (Università Bicocca di Milano, Università di Trento, Università di Padova e Regione Toscana), scozzesi, danesi, svedesi, francesi e brasiliane.

Progetto di ricerca finanziato.

29 February 2020

Elementi di campionamento e stima da popolazioni finite

È disponibile il volume “Elementi di campionamento e stima da popolazioni finite” di Yves Tillé, Maria Michela Dickson e Giuseppe Espa edito da Pearson (ISBN: 9788891916105).

Alla pagina dell’editore.

19 January 2020

Goodness-of-fit tests for Pareto and log-normal distributions based on inequality curves

On Thursday 20th February 2020, at the international conference on Distributions and Inequality Measures in Economics (DIME 2020), Emanuele Taufer is going to make a speech entitled “Goodness-of-fit tests for Pareto and log-normal distributions based on inequality curves” based on a research work coauthored with Flavio Santi, Giuseppe Espa, and Maria Michela Dickson.

The speech is going to happen in the plenary session 2 “Distribution models for income representation” of the DIME 2020 conference (Milan, February 20-21, 2020).

The session is scheduled at 10:45.

Go to the page of the event.

06 December 2019

An improved approach for estimating large losses using the g-and-h distribution

On Monday, 16th December at the CFE-CMStatistics 2019, Marco Bee is going to make a speech entitled “An improved approach for estimating large losses using the g-and-h distribution” based on a research work coauthored with Luca Trapin (University of Bologna) and Julien Hambuckers (University of Liege).

The speech is going to happen in the organised session “EO324: Non-regular statistical modeling and computational methods” of the CFE-CMStatistics 2019 conference.

The session is scheduled at 8:40 in the room 153 of the Birkbeck and Clore Management Centre of the University of London, Malet Street, London WC1E 7HX.

Go to the page of the abstract.

Go to the page of the event.

05 December 2019

Spatial models in the space of covariates: Methodological and computational issues

On Sunday, 15th December at the CFE-CMStatistics 2019, Flavio Santi is going to make a speech entitled “Spatial models in the space of covariates: Methodological and computational issues” based on a research work coauthored with Maria Michela Dickson, Diego Giuliani and Giuseppe Espa.

The speech is going to happen in the organised session “EO078: Topics in spatial and space-time statistics” of the CFE-CMStatistics 2019 conference.

The session is scheduled at 8:40 in the room 254 of the Birkbeck and Clore Management Centre of the University of London, Malet Street, London WC1E 7HX.

Go to the page of the abstract.

Go to the page of the event.

13 November 2019

The role of cross-validation in spatial econometrics

On Friday, 15th November at the 66th Annual North American Meetings of the Regional Science Association International (NARSC 2019) Giuseppe Arbia is going to make a speech entitled “The role of cross-validation in spatial econometrics” based on a research work coauthored with Flavio Santi, Maria Michela Dickson, Giuseppe Espa and Diego Giuliani.

The event is scheduled in the special session “Spatial Econometrics Association Session: Methodological Issues III, Hypothesis Testing” (Conference D) at 16:00 at the Omni William Penn Hotel in Pittsburgh (PA, USA).

Go to the page of the event.

05 November 2019

Percezione del rischio del fenomeno migratorio

Giovedì 7 novembre 2019 Maria Michela Dickson, Giuseppe Espa e Lucia Savadori presentano i primi risultati dell’indagine “Percezione del rischio del fenomeno migratorio”. L’indagine è stata condotta nell’ambito del progetto strategico ISSTN, l’Isituto di Scienze della Sicurezza dell’Università di Trento. L’evento è organizzato da Unicittà, progetto attivato sulla base del Protocollo d’Intesa tra l’Università e il Comune di Trento.

L’evento si terrà giovedì 7 novembre 2019 alle ore 18.00, presso la sede della Direzione Generale del Comune di Trento, in via Belenzani, 18 – Casa del Capitolo, Sala dei Cavalieri Crociati (secondo piano).

05 September 2019

Representation of covariate effects in trinomial logistic regression through ternary plots

On Wednesday, 18th September Flavio Santi is going to make a speech entitled “Representation of covariate effects in trinomial logistic regression through ternary plots” based on a research work coauthored with Giuseppe Espa, Maria Michela Dickson and Diego Giuliani at the conference “Categorical Data Analysis & Friends” for celebrating Alan Agresti’s Italian citizenship.

The event is scheduled at 16:30 in Aula Rossa of Villa Ruspoli, Piazza Indipendenza 9, Florence.

Go to the page of the event.

24 June 2019

Cross-Validation of Spatial Econometric Models

On Thursday, 4th July at the VII International Workshop on Computational Economics and Econometrics (IWCEE19) Flavio Santi is going to make a speech entitled “CrossValidation of Spatial Econometric Models” based on a research work coauthored with Giuseppe Espa, Maria Michela Dickson and Diego Giuliani.

The event is scheduled at 12:00 in the building of IRCRES (CNR) in Via dei Taurini 19, Rome.

Go to the page of the event.

10 April 2019

Mafie a Nord-Est: impresa e corruzione

Giovedì 11 aprile alle ore 17:30 Giuseppe Espa e Maria Michela Dickson interverranno all’evento “Mafie a Nord-Est: impresa e corruzione” nell’ambito del ciclo di seminari “Civile o malata: l’economia in casa nostra” organizzato da Libera e dal Dipartimento di Economia e Management dell’Università degli Studi di Trento.

L’evento si tiene giovedì 11 aprile alle ore 17:30 presso l’aula Bruno Kessler del Dipartimento di Sociologia e Ricerca Sociale dell’Università degli Studi di Trento (via Verdi 26, I-38122 Trento).

Locandina dell’evento.

29 March 2019

Economic Models and the Spatial Transmission of Growth among Alpine Regions

On Friday, 5th April Flavio Santi is going to make a speech entitled “Economic Models and the Spatial Transmission of Growth among Alpine Regions” based on a research work coauthored with Giuseppe Espa and Enrico Zaninotto at the Euregio Economics Workshop 2019.

The event is scheduled at 15:30 in Sala Conferenze at the ground floor of the Department of Economics and Management of the University of Trento.

Go to the page of the Euregio Economics Workshop 2019.

11 March 2019

Alan Agresti - Historical highlights in the development of methodology for categorical data analysis

On April 8 Distinguished Professor Emeritus Alan Agresti will held a lecture on Historical highlights in the development of methodology for categorical data analysis.

The event is scheduled on Monday 8 April 2019 at 15:00 in room Aula Azzurrra of the Department of Economics and Management of the University of Trento.

Go to the page of the event.

15 February 2019

IWCEE19 - VII International Workshop on Computational Economics and Econometrics

The Research Group StaTA along with the Department of Economics and Management of the University of Trento are official sponsors of the VII International Workshop on Computational Economics and Econometrics – Rome, July 3-5, 2019.

Go to the page of the event.

31 January 2019

The R package plot3logit has been released on CRAN

Version 1.0.0 of the R package plot3logit has been released on CRAN.

Package plot3logit is an implementation of the ternary plot for interpreting regression coefficients of trinomial regression models, as proposed in Santi, Dickson and Espa (2019) <DOI: 10.1080/00031305.2018.1442368>. Ternary plots are drawn using either ‘ggtern’ package (based on ‘ggplot2’) or ‘Ternary’ package (based on standard graphics).

The package can be cited as it follows:

Santi, F., M. M. Dickson and G. Espa (2019) “plot3logit: Ternary Plots for Trinomial Regression Models”. R package version 1.0.0.

External links:

21 January 2019

ERSA Winter School 2019 - Regional Analysis: The why and how of spatial econometrics

On 21 January 2019 (Monday) Diego Giuliani will give the lecture “Regional Analysis: The why and how of spatial econometrics” at the ERSA-OECD Winter School 2019 – Spatial Productivity for Regional and Local Development.

The event is scheduled at 14:00 in room 112 at the first floor of Palazzo Paolo Prodi, Department of Humanities of the University of Trento.

Address: Via Tomaso Gar 14, Trento, Italy.

Full program of the Winter School can be found here.

18 January 2019

News page of StaTA’s website

From today on, a new page of our website will collect advisories, updates, suggestions and news by our research group.

Keep you up-to-date subscribing our new RSS service for StaTA news (find the link at the top of the page).