Selected Publications

Main publications since 2010


Bee M., J. Hambuckers, L. Trapin (2021) “Estimating large losses in insurance analytics and operational risk using the g-and-h distribution”, Quantitative Finance, 21, 1207-1221.

Bee M. (2023) “Unsupervised Mixture Estimation via Approximate Maximum Likelihood based on the Cramér-von Mises distance”, Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, 185, 107764.

Giuliani D., D. Toffoli, M. M. Dickson, A. Mazzitelli, G. Espa (2023) “Assessing the role of spatial externalities in the survival of Italian innovative startups”, Regional Science Policy & Practice, 1–13. DOI: 10.1111/rsp3.12653.

Espa G., P. Feraco, Donelli M., , I. Dal Chiele (2023) “A Fast and Efficient Semi-Unsupervised Segmentation and Feature-Extraction Methodology for Artificial Intelligence and Radiomics Applications: A Preliminary Study Applied to Glioblastoma”, Electronics 2023, 12, 1230. DOI: 10.3390/electronics12051230.

Dickson, M. M. (2023) “Book review: Multiple Imputation of Missing data in Practice, Basic Theory and Analysis Strategies”, The Survey Statistician, 87, 35–36.


Bee M. (2022) “The truncated g-and-h distribution: estimation and application to loss modeling”, Computational Statistics, 37, 1771-1794.

Bee M., J. Hambuckers (2022) “Modeling multivariate operational losses via copula-based distributions with g-and-h marginals”, Journal of Operational Risk, 17(1), 81-111.

Bee M. (2022) “On discriminating between lognormal and Pareto tail: an unsupervised mixture-based approach”, Advances in Data Analysis and Classification, forthcoming. DOI: 10.1007/s11634-022-00497-4.

Bee M., A. R. Soltani, L. Tafakori (2022) “Some analytical results on bivariate stable distributions with an application in operational risk”, Quantitative Finance, 22, 1355-1369.

Hussin Adam Khatir A. A., M. Bee (2022) “Machine Learning Models and Data-Balancing Techniques for Credit Scoring: What Is the Best Combination?”, Risks, 10, 169.

Travaini G., P. Caruso, M. M. Dickson, G. Espa, I. Merzagora (2022) “Is obedience still a virtue? An Italian research during COVID-19 pandemic”, Rassegna Italiana di Criminologia, XVI, 4, 283–289. DOI: 10.7347/RIC-042022-p283.

Savadori L., M. M. Dickson, R. Micciolo, G. Espa (2022) “The polarizing impact of numeracy, economic literacy, and science literacy on the perception of immigration”, PLOS ONE, 17 (10). DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0274680.

Giuliani D., M. M. Dickson, F. Santi, G. Espa (2022) “An empirical tool to classify industries by regional concentration and spatial polarization”, in A. Balzanella, M. Bini, C. Cavicchia, R. Verde (editors) 51st Scientific Meeting of the Italian Statistical Society – Book of the Short Papers, Pearson. ISBN: 9788891932310.

Santi F., M. M. Dickson, G. Espa, D. Giuliani (2022) “plot3logit: Ternary Plots for Interpreting Trinomial Regression Models”, Journal of Statistical Software, Code Snippets, 103 (1), 1–27. DOI: 10.18637/jss.v103.c01.

Donelli M., G. Espa, P. Feraco (2022) “A Semi-Unsupervised Segmentation Methodology Based on Texture Recognition for Radiomics: A Preliminary Study on Brain Tumours”, Electronics, 11 (1573). DOI: 10.3390/electronics11101573.

Dickson M. M., G. Espa, L. Fattorini, F. Santi (2022) “Double-calibration estimators accounting for under-coverage and nonresponse in socio-economic surveys”, Statistical Methods & Applications. DOI: 10.1007/s10260-022-00630-9.

Dickson M. M., G. Espa, D. Giuliani, R. Micciolo (2022) “Did COVID-19 restrictions in higher education affect students’ performances? Evidence from an Italian university”, Statistica Applicata – Italian Journal of Applied Statistics, 33 (2). DOI: 10.26398/IJAS.0033-007.


Donelli M., G. Espa, P. Feraco, M. Manekiya (2021) “Wearable non-invasive blood glucose monitor system based on galvanic skin resistance measurement”, Electronics Letters. DOI: 10.1049/ell2.12315.

Taufer E., F. Santi, G. Espa, M. M. Dickson (2021) “Graphical representations and associated goodness-of-fit tests for Pareto and log-normal distributions based on inequality curves”, Journal of Nonparametric Statistics. DOI: 10.1080/10485252.2021.1977300.

Donelli M., G. Espa, G. Marchi, M. Manekiya, C. Pascucci (2021) “A Reconfigurable Stepped Frequency Continuous Wave Radar Prototype for Smuggling Contrast, preliminary assessment”, Advances in Science, Technology and Engineering Systems Journal (ASTESJ), 6 (4), 13–20. DOI: 10.25046/aj060402.

Dickson M. M., G. Espa, R. Gabriele, A. Mazzitelli (2021) “Small businesses and the effects on the growth of formal collaboration agreements: additional insights and policy implications”, Applied Economics. DOI: 10.1080/00036846.2021.1922595.

Benedetti R., M. M. Dickson, G. Espa, F. Pantalone, F. Piersimoni (2021) “A simulated annealing-based algorithm for selecting balanced samples”, Computational Statistics. DOI: 10.1007/s00180-021-01113-3.

Micciolo R., L. Canal, G. Espa (2021) Probabilità e modelli – Teoria e pratica con R, Apogeo Education, Maggioli Editore, Milano. ISBN: 978-88-916-4935-5.

Piacentino D., G. Arbia, G. Espa (2021) “Advances in spatial economic data analysis: methods and applications” (editorial), Spatial Economic Analysis, 16 (2), 121–125. DOI: 10.1080/17421772.2021.1883102.

Donelli M., G. Espa (2021) “A Crowd Monitoring Methodology based on the Analysis of the Electromagnetic Spectrum”, Global Journal of Researches in Engineering — Section F: Electrical and Electronics Engineering, 21 (1), 1–10.

Dickson M. M., G. Espa, D. Giuliani, F. Santi (2021) “Assessing Spatial Patterns of Firms Using Micro-Level Data”, Scienze Regionali, 1–24. DOI: 10.14650/100115.

Arbia G., G. Espa, D. Giuliani (2021) Spatial Microeconometrics, Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, Abingdon. ISBN: 978-1-138-83375-3.

Santi F., M. M. Dickson, D. Giuliani, G. Arbia, G. Espa (2021) “Reduced-bias estimation of spatial autoregressive models with incompletely geocoded data”, Computational Statistics, 1–28. DOI: 10.1007/s00180-021-01090-7.

Di Cosmo L., D. Giuliani, M. M. Dickson, P. Gasparini (2021) “An individual-tree linear mixed-effects model for predicting the basal area increment of major forest species in Southern Europe”, Forest Systems, 29 (3), e019. DOI: 10.5424/fs/2020293-15500.

Bee M., J. Hambuckers, F. Santi, L. Trapin (2021) “Testing a parameter restriction on the boundary for the g-and-h distribution: a simulated approach”, Computational Statistics. DOI: 10.1007/s00180-021-01078-3.

Cracolici M. F., G. Espa, D. Giuliani, D. Piacentino (2021) Firm Demography in the Accommodation Industry. Evidence from Italian Insular Regions. In: M. Ferrante, O. Fritz, Ö. Öner (eds) “Regional Science Perspectives on Tourism and Hospitality”. Advances in Spatial Science (The Regional Science Series). Springer, Cham. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-61274-0_4.

Arbia G., M. M. Dickson, R. Gabriele, D. Giuliani, F. Santi (2021) “On the Spatial Determinants of Firm Growth: A Microlevel Analysis of the Italian SMEs”, in S. Colombo (ed.) Spatial Economics Volume II, Palgrave Macmillan, Cham. ISBN: 978-3-030-40093-4.


Serio R. G., M. M. Dickson, D. Giuliani, G. Espa (2020) “Green Production as a Factor of Survival for Innovative Startups: Evidence from Italy”, Sustainability, 12 (9464), 1–12. DOI: 10.3390/su12229464.

Bee M., J. Hambuckers, L. Trapin (2020) “Estimating large losses in insurance analytics and operational risk using the g-and-h distribution”, Quantitative Finance, forthcoming. DOI: 10.1080/14697688.2020.1849778.

Taufer E., F. Santi, P. L. Novi Inverardi, G. Espa, M. M. Dickson (2020) “Extreme Value Index Estimation by Means of an Inequality Curve”, Mathematics, 8 (1834), 1–17. DOI: 10.3390/math8101834.

Dickson M. M., F. Santi, E. Taufer, G. Espa (2020) “A mixed sampling strategy for partially geo-referenced finite populations”, Spatial Statistics. DOI: 10.1016/j.spasta.2020.100477.

Giuliani D., M. M. Dickson, G. Espa, F. Santi (2020) “Modelling and predicting the spatio-temporal spread of COVID-19 in Italy”, BMC Infectious Diseases, 20 (700), 1–10. DOI: 10.1186/s12879-020-05415-7.

Bee M. (2020) “Estimating the wrapped stable distribution via indirect inference”, Communications in Statistics – Simulation and Computation, DOI: 10.1080/03610918.2020.1801732.

Dickson M. M., G. Espa, D. Giuliani, F. Santi, L. Savadori (2020) “Assessing the effect of containment measures on the spatio-temporal dynamic of COVID-19 in Italy”, Nonlinear Dynamics, DOI: 10.1007/s11071-020-05853-7.

Santi F., M. M. Dickson, G. Espa, E. Taufer, A. Mazzitelli (2020) “Handling spatial dependence under unknown unit locations”, Spatial Economic Analysis, DOI: 10.1080/17421772.2020.1769171.

Tillé, Y., M. M. Dickson, G. Espa (2020) Elementi di campionamento e stima da popolazioni finite, Pearson. ISBN: 9788891916105.


Bee M., M. Riccaboni, S. Schiavo (2019) “Distribution of city size: Zipf, Gibrat, Pareto Law”, in The Mathematics of Urban Morphology (ed. L. D’Acci), 77–91, Birkhäuser Basel, Springer Nature.

Bee M., J. Hambuckers, L. Trapin (2019) “Estimating Value-at-Risk for the g-and-h distribution: an indirect inference approach”, Quantitative Finance, 19, 1255–1266.

Bee M., D. J. Dupuis, L. Trapin (2019) “Realized Peaks over Threshold: a Time-Varying Extreme Value Approach with High-Frequency based Measures”, Journal of Financial Econometrics, 17, 254–283.

Bison I., M. M. Dickson, G. Espa, F. Santi (2019) “Educational Qualifications Yields as Employment Risk: an Empirical Analysis of the Horizontal Inequality”, Statistica Applicata – Italian Journal of Applied Statistics, 31 (1), 67–96.

Dickson M. M., A. Grafström, D. Giuliani, G. Espa (2019) “Efficiency and feasibility of sampling schemes in establishment surveys”, Mathematical Population Studies, DOI: 08898480.2018.1553411.

Filipponi D., F. Piersimoni, R. Benedetti, M. M. Dickson, G. Espa, D. Giuliani (2019) “Sampling design and analysis using geo-referenced data”, Analysis of Integrated Data, Editors: R. Chambers and L.-C. Zhang, CRC Press, ISBN: 9781498727983.

Santi F., M. M. Dickson, G. Espa (2019) “A graphical tool for interpreting regression coefficients of trinomial logit models”, The American Statistician, 73 (2), pp. 200–207. DOI: 10.1080/00031305.2018.1442368.


Fronza G., D. Giuliani, G. Espa, S. Calzolari (2018) “Il Disturbo della Comprensione del Testo (DCT). Il profilo intellettivo aiuta a capire?”, Psicologia Clinica dello Sviluppo, XII, 3, 483–498.

Jammalamadka S. R., E. Taufer (2018). “Semi-parametric estimation of the auto-regression parameter in non-gaussian Ornstein-Uhlenbeck-processes”, Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation. DOI: 10.1080/03610918.2018.1468456.

Andreaus M., E. Costa, C. Pesci, E. Taufer (2018). “Empathy, closeness, and distance in non-profit accountability”, Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal. DOI: 10.1108/AAAJ-03-2014-1635

Jia M., E. Taufer, M. M. Dickson (2018) “Semi-parametric regression estimation of the tail index”. Electronic Journal of Statistics 12, 224–248.

Lattante S., M. G. Pomponi, A. Conte, G. Marangi, G. Bisogni, A. K. Patanella, E. Meleo, C. Lunetta, N. Riva, L. Mosca, P. Carrera, M. Bee, M. Zollino, M. Sabatelli (2018) “ATXN1 intermediate-length polyQ expansions are associated with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis”, Neurobiology of Aging, DOI: 10.1016/j.neurobiolaging.2017.11.011.

Bee M., L. Trapin (2018) “A characteristic function-based approach to Approximate Maximum Likelihood Estimation”, Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods, DOI: 10.1080/03610926.20.

Arbia G., M. Bee, G. Espa, F. Santi (2018) “Fitting spatial regressions to large datasets using unilateral approximations”, Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods, 47, 1, 222–238.

Bee M., S. Schiavo (2018) “Powerless: Gains from Trade when Firm Productivity is not Pareto Distributed”, Review of World Economics, DOI: 10.1007/s10290-017-0295-z.

Bee M., D. J. Dupuis, L. Trapin (2018) “Realized Extreme Quantile: A Joint Model for Conditional Quantiles and Measures of Volatility with EVT Refinements”, Journal of Applied Econometrics, DOI: 10.1002/jae.2615.


Dickson M. M., D. Giuliani, G. Espa, M. Bee, E. Taufer, F. Santi (2017) “Design-based estimation in environmental surveys with positional errors”, Environmental and Ecological Statistics, DOI: 10.1007/s10651-017-0381-3.

Espa G., D. Giuliani, F. Santi, E. Taufer (2017) “Model-based variance estimation in two-dimensional systematic sampling”, Metron, 75, 3, 265–275.

Bee M., G. Espa, D. Giuliani, F. Santi (2017) “A Cross-Entropy Approach to the Estimation of Generalised Linear Multilevel Models”, Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, 26, 695–708.

Benedetti R., G. Espa, E. Taufer (2017) “Model-based variance estimation in non-measurable spatial designs”, Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 2017, 181, 52–61.

Bee M., R. Benedetti, G. Espa (2017) “Approximate maximum likelihood estimation of the Bingham distribution”, Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, 2017, 108, 84–96.

Arbia G., G. Espa, D. Giuliani, M. M. Dickson (2017) “Effects of missing data and locational errors on spatial concentration measures based on Ripley’s K-function”, Spatial Economic Analysis, 12, 2-3, 326–346.

Piacentino D., G. Espa, D. Filipponi, D. Giuliani (2017) “Firm Demography and Regional Development: Evidence from Italy”, Growth and Change, 48, 3, 359–389.

Dickson M. M., G. Espa, D. Giuliani (2017) “Incomplete geocoding and spatial sampling: The effects of locational errors on population total estimation”, Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 62, 1–6.

Arbia G., G. Espa, D. Giuliani, R. Micciolo (2017) “A spatial analysis of health and pharmaceutical firm survival”, Journal of Applied Statistics, 44, 9, 1560–1575.

Bee M., M. M. Dickson, F. Santi (2017) “Likelihood-based Risk Estimation for Variance-Gamma Models”, Statistical Methods & Applications, DOI: 10.1007/s10260-017-0393-z.

Santi F., G. Arbia, M. Bee, G. Espa (2017) “A frequency domain test for isotropy in spatial data models”, Spatial Statistics, 21, 262-278. DOI: 10.1016/j.spasta.2017.05.002.

Opsomer J. D., M. G. Ranalli, M. M. Dickson (2017) Foreword to the special issue on “Advances in Survey Statistics”, Metron, 75 (3), 245–247.

Bee M. (2017) “Density Approximations and VaR Computation for Compound Poisson-Lognormal Distributions”, Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation, 46, 1825–1841.

Bee M., M. Riccaboni, S. Schiavo (2017) “Where Gibrat meets Zipf: Scale and Scope of French Firms”, Physica A, 481, 265–275.

Bee M., M. Riccaboni, L. Trapin (2017) “An Extreme Value Analysis of the Last Century Crises across Industries in the U.S. Economy”, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 81, 65–78.


Taufer E. (2016) “Estimation of marginal parameters of Sup-OU processes with long range dependence”, International Journal of Advanced Statistics and Probability 4, 102–108.

Arbia G., G. Espa, D. Giuliani (2016) “Dirty spatial Econometrics”, The Annals of Regional Science, 56, 1, 177–189.

Dickson M. M., Y. Tillé (2016) “Oredered spatial sampling by means of the traveling salesman problem”, Computational Statistics, 31, 1359–1372.

Mariotti F., M. M. Dickson, K. Mumford, Y. Pena-Boquete (2016) “Job Insecurity Within the Household: Are Australian Householders Caring When it Comes to Risk Sharing?”, Australian Journal of Labour Economics, 19, 77–90.

Andreaus M., M. M. Dickson, L. De Poli, G. Espa (2016) “Administrative Burdens evaluation: a smart perspective in the Province of Trento”, IEEE Conference Publications, DOI: 10.1109/ISC2.2016.7580742.

Bee M., D. J. Dupuis, L. Trapin (2016) “Realizing the Extremes: Estimation of Tail-risk Measures from a High-frequency Perspective”, Journal of Empirical Finance, 36, 86–99.

Taufer E. (2016) “Comments: A review of testing procedures based on the empirical characteristic function”, South African Statistical Journal 50, 29–30.

Bee M., D. J. Dupuis, L. Trapin (2016) “U.S. Stock Returns: Are there Seasons of Excesses?”, Quantitative Finance, 16, 1453–1464.

Bee M., L. Trapin (2016), “A Simple Approach to the Estimation of Tukey’s gh Distribution”, Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, 86, 3287–3302.


Arbia G., G. Espa, D. Giuliani (2015) “Measurement Errors Arising When Using Distances in Microeconometric Modelling and the Individuals’ Position Is Geo-Masked for Confidentiality”, Econometrics, 3, 709–718.

Meintanis S. G., J. Ngatchou-Wandji, E. Taufer (2015) “Goodness-of-fit tests for multivariate stable distributions based on the empirical characteristic function”, Journal of multivariate Analysis 140, 171–192.

Bee M., G. Espa, D. Giuliani (2015) “Approximate Maximum Likelihood Estimation of the Autologistic Model”, Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, 2015, 84, 14–26.

Giuliani D., M. M. Dickson, G. Espa (2015) “Teaching statistics in the context of social foresight. An applied approach based on the use of an open-source software”, On the Horizon, 23, 2, 140–148.

Arbia G., G. Espa, P. Cella, D. Giuliani (2015) “A micro spatial analysis of firm demography: the case of food stores in the area of Trento (Italy)”, Empirical Economics, 48, 3, 923–937.

Taufer E. (2015) “On the empirical process of strongly dependent stable random variables: asymptotic properties, simulation and applications”, Statistics and Probability Letters 106, 262–271.

Arbia G., G. Espa, D. Giuliani (2015) “Analysis of spatial concentration and dispersion”, in C. Karlsson, M. Andersson, T. Norman (eds.), Handbook of Research Methods and Applications in Economic Geography, Edward Elgar Publishing Limited, Cheltenham, UK, 135–157.

Bee M. (2015) “Statistical analysis of the Lognormal-Pareto distribution using Probability Weighted Moments and Maximum Likelihood”, Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation, 44, 2040–2060.

Meintanis S., E. Taufer (2012) “Inference procedures for stable-Paretian stochastic volatility models”, Mathematical and Computer Modelling 55, 1199–1212.


Giuliani D., G. Arbia, G. Espa (2014) “Weighting Ripley’s K-function to account for the firm dimension in the analysis of spatial concentration”, International Regional Science Review, 37, 3, 251–272.

Espa G., D. Filipponi, D. Giuliani, D. Piacentino (2014) “Decomposing regional business change at plant level in Italy: A novel spatial shift-share approach”, Papers in Regional Science, 93, 1, 113–135.

Arbia G., G. Espa, D. Giuliani, M. M. Dickson (2014) “Spatio-temporal clustering in the pharmaceutical and medical device manufacturing industry: a geographical micro-level analysis”, Regional Science and Urban Economics, 49, 298–304.

Dickson M. M., R. Benedetti, D. Giuliani, G. Espa (2014) “The Use of Spatial Sampling Designs in Business Surveys”, Open Journal of Statistics, 4, 345–354.


Leonenko N., S. Petherick, E. Taufer (2013) “Multi-fractal models via products of geometric Ornstein-Uhlenbeck processes: Review and applications”, Physica A 392, 7–16.

Bee M., R. Benedetti, G. Espa (2013) “On Maximum Likelihood Estimation of a Pareto mixture”, Computational Statistics, 28, 1, 161–178.

Espa G., G. Arbia, D. Giuliani (2013) “Conditional versus unconditional industrial agglomeration: disentangling spatial dependence and spatial heterogeneity in the analysis of ICT firms’ distribution in Milan”, Journal of Geographical Systems, 15, 1, 31–50.

Briatore E., F. Ferrari, G. Pomero, A. Boghi, L. Gozzoli, R. Micciolo, G. Espa, P. Gancia, S. Calzolari (2013) “EEG findings in cooled asphyxiated newborns and correlation with site and severity of brain damage”, Brain & Development, 35, 420–426.

Arbia G., M. Bee, G. Espa (2013) “Testing isotropy in spatial econometric models”, Spatial Economic Analysis, 8, 3, 228–240.

Bee M., R. Benedetti, G. Espa, F. Piersimoni (2013) “Is it acceptable not to cover the smallest businesses in a business survey? How should such a cutoff be chosen?”, The Survey Statistician, 67, 14–18.

Leonenko N., E. Taufer (2013) “Disaggregation of spatial autoregressive processes”, Spatial Statistics 3, 1–20.

Bee M. (2013) “A Maximum Entropy Approach to Loss Distribution Analysis”, Entropy, 15, 1100–1117.

Bee M., M. Riccaboni, S. Schiavo (2013) “The Size Distribution of US Cities: not Pareto, even in the Tail”, Economics Letters, 120, 232–237.


Beccaria E., M. Martino, E. Briatore, B. Podestà, G. Pomero, R. Micciolo, G. Espa, S. Calzolari (2012) “Poor repertoire General Movements predict some aspects of development outcome at 2 years in very preterm infants”, Early Human Development, 88, 6, 393–396.

Bee M. (2012) “Dynamic VaR Models and the Peaks over Threshold Method for Market Risk Measurement: an Empirical Investigation during a Financial Crisis”, Journal of Risk Model Validation, 6, 3–45.

Meintanis S., E. Taufer (2012) “Inference procedures for stable-Paretian stochastic volatility models”, Mathematical and Computer Modelling 55, 1199–1212.


Corsino M., G. Espa, R. Micciolo (2011) “R&D, Firm Size, and Incremental Product Innovation”, Economics of Innovation and New Technology, 20, 5, 423-443.

Arbia G., M. Bee, G. Espa (2011) “Aggregation of regional economic time series with different spatial correlation structures”, Geographical Analysis, 43, 78–103.

Arbia G., G. Espa, D. Giuliani, A. Mazzitelli (2011) “Clusters of firms on an inhomogeneous space: the high-tech industries in Milan”, Economic Modelling, 2012, 29, 3–11.

Degasperi L., R. Micciolo, G. Espa, S. Calzolari (2011) “Phonemic not syllabic awareness is linked to literacy in Italian children with Down syndrome”, Journal of Pediatric Neurology, 9, 325–332.

Bee M., G. Espa, R. Gabriele (2011) “The impact of e-inclusion in Europe: a scenario analysis”, in P. Guerrieri and S. Bentivegna (eds.) The Economic Impact of Digital Technologies - Measuring Inclusion and Diffusion in Europe, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK, Chapter 7, 162–187.

Bee M. (2011) “Adaptive Importance Sampling for Simulating Copula-based Distributions”, Insurance: Mathematics & Economics, 48 (2), 237–245.

Verdecchia F., M. Bee, L. Lombardo, C. Sgarbanti, A. Gracco (2011) “Influence of Anterior Teeth Alignment on Peer Perception in a Population of 8 to 10-year-olds”, European Journal of Orthodontics, 33 (2), 155–160.

Taufer E., N. Leonenko, M. Bee (2011) “Characteristic Function Estimation of Ornstein-Uhlenbeck-based Stochastic Volatility Models”, Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 55 (8), 2525–2539.

Bee M., M. Riccaboni, S. Schiavo (2011) “Pareto versus Lognormal: a Maximum Entropy Test”, Physical Review E, 84, 026104.


Arbia G., G. Espa, D. Giuliani, A. Mazzitelli (2010) “Detecting the existence of space-time clustering of firms”, Regional Science & Urban Economics, 40, 311–323.

Bee M., R. Benedetti, G. Espa (2010) “A framework for Cut-off Sampling in Business Survey Design”, Journal of Official Statistics, 26, 4, 651–671.

Benedetti R., M. Bee, G. Espa, F. Piersimoni (eds.) (2010) Agricultural Survey Methods, J. Wiley & Sons, New York.

Anh V. V., N. Leonenko, N. R. Shieh, E. Taufer (2010) “Simulation of Multifractal Ornstein-Uhlenbeck processes”, Nonlinearity 23, 823–843